Alps Adriatic Alliance Cultural - Pitches for New Bridges

Di., 15.11.2022 bis Do., 17.11.2022
3 days
all day
Novi Sad
Cultural organizations from the Alpe-Adria region and Serbia, Vojvodina/West Balkans

Handshakes of artists and cultural organisations in the Alps Adriatic Region and Serbia/Western Balkans
Based on the idea of the European Cultural Capital Novi Sad 2021/2022 "New Bridges" our meeting will be a starting point to use the common language of art to connect people. New ideas, cooperations, projects and lasting friendships can arise from personal the contacts, which we need to renew in light of the eventful common history of the Danube region and Alps Adriatic region
From 15th till 17th of November 2022 we will do a study excursion to Novi Sad with partners from Styria, Slovenia, Hungary, Croatia, each carrying with them one or two cultural and artistic projects from our partner organizations, which we will pitch. In Novi Sad we will meet Serbian partners, who will also present up to four cultural projects. The Cultural Pitches are also open for an interested general audience.
Our goal is to use project presentations to explore new forms of cooperation and according to the concept of the Alps Adriatic Alliance, the values and the possibilities for artists and cultural workers. We also want to expand our cultural radius of action into the Western Balkans.
Tuesday, 15th November 2022
app. 19:00 Arrival at Novi Sad; joint dinner with Milan Vračar President of Kulturanova and independent cultural producer.
Wednesday, 16th November 2022
In the morning:
City tour for the free art scene, organised by Styrian Summer Art and kulturanova
Culture meeting - Pitches for New Bridges
13.00 - 18.30 o'clock
Venue: Public Media Institution
Radio-television of Vojvodina (RTV)- Conference Hall
Kamenički put 45, 21132 Novi Sad - Petrovaradin, Serbia
Working language: English, simultaneous translation into Serbian language
Moderation: Ms. Michaela Zingerle (AUT)
13.00: Words of welcome
Mr. Jožef Klem, Managing Director, Radio-Television of Vojvodina
Ms. Dragana Milošević, Provincial Secretary for Culture, public information and relations with religious communities
Mr. Christopher Drexler, Governor of Styria (via video)
Mr. Petar Mamula, Deputy President of Primorsko-goranska županija
Mr. Željko Kolar, County Prefect, Krapina Zagorje County
Ms. Jasna Petek, County Prefect Deputy, Krapina Zagorje County
Ms. Sandra Kocuvan, presentation of the Thematic Coordination Point "Art & Culture” of the Alps-Adriatic Alliance
13.30: Speed dating (three questions) with all participants
14.00: Mr. Gyula Ribár, Head of the Programme Support Department: Presentation "Novi Sad European Capital of Culture 2022
14.30: Ms. Heidrun Primas & Miriam Seebacher, Presentation: "Cultural Strategy 2030 of Land Steiermark”
15.00: Discussion
15.30: Coffee break
16.00: Cultural Pitches (free presentations) of the cultural initiatives from the AAA-regions, 8 minutes each: 5 Austrian, 2 Slovenian, 2 Croatian, 2 Hungarian, 5 Serbian artists/initiatives
app. 18.30: End of meeting
app. 20.00: Joint dinner- Restaurant "Sokace”, Pap Pavla Street No 11
Thursday, 17 November 2022
09.00: common breakfast with review of findings from Wednesday
10:00: Sight-seeing tour through the Capital of Culture with Gyula Ribár
meeting point: Creative District/Kreativni distrikt na Velikom Limanu, Bulevar despotana Stefana 5
app. 12.00/14.00: Departure by bus for Graz
Many thanks for the great organization and accompaniment on site: Jelena Bozic, Marija Belic Bibin, Jasmina Jakšić Subić
more informations below
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Partizipating organisations
Styrian Summer Art - Michaela Zingerle
Main projects are the independent art initiative Styrian Summer Art Art are workshops, masterclasses, studio workshops and cultural excursions in rural areas. Every year we have around 300 participants and artists in our workshops leading by professional artists.
Steirische Gesellschaft für Kulturpolitik – Gerlinde Schiestl-Reif
The Styrian Society for Cultural Policy is one of the most important cultural policy hubs in Styria. In the areas of cultural, social and educational policy, she confronts many people with cultural and artistic phenomena, includes them in discussion processes and activates critical awareness.
GRRRLS – Majda Krivograd
Since 2010, the Grrrls Kulturverein (culture club) has been supporting WLINT+ artists, musicians, instrumentalists and DJs. The ultimate goal of all our events and activities is the promotion of gender equality and elevation of WLINT+, queer-feminist music and art inspired by the movement for women’s independence
Mezzanin Theater – Natascha Grasser
Mezzanin Theater was founded in Graz in 1989 and works as a free theater group that deals with a wide range of social topics and issues as well as artistic working methods and processes on a cross-genre level.
Mezzanin Theater is working Interdisciplinary, inclusive, international and innovativ. It seeks encounters on a national and international level both as artists and as cultural mediators. Through the multi-layered, artistic work and its realization and presentation in venues and performance spaces that are not only common, it appeals to almost all social classes and age groups.
Together with TaO! Theater am Ortweinplatz, Mezzanin Theater Graz is organizing the biannual festival spleen*graz an international festival for children and youth and the regional festival KuKuK which takes place every year in rural areas of styria.
VISIBLE - Stephanie Sihler
VISIBLE was founded by Ute Liepold in 2021. As a theatre director she wanted to create a collaborative platform through which women* are inspired to exchange ideas, form lasting (political and artistic) networks and find new (artistic) formats. Additionally, it aims at initiating and carrying out of concrete artistic projects by women* and at advancing (gender) equality and counteracting the marginalisation of women within the arts and cultural field and society at large. The organisation is still very young, but in one and a half years much has been achieved.
IG Kultur Steiermark – Lidija Krienzer-Radojevic
IG Kultur Steiermark is the association of 170 independent cultural initiatives and centres in Styria. Focusing on contemporary cultural expressions and community-driven initiatives their main goal is to improve the working conditions for those working in the field of contemporary arts and culture – from culture professionals to volunteers.
Kulturanova - Milan Vračar und Jelena Božić
Kulturanova initiates intercultural and intersectoral dialogue in society, encouraging the creativity of young people through art education, production of cultural content and the improvement of public policies in the field of culture and youth.
Cultural Centre LAB
Culture center LAB represents a unique place of gathering and also experiment in self-employment of professionals, creative groups and companies in the field of creative economies, social entrepreneurship and culture. It is available for creative individuals participating in critical thinking of their cultural environment, and also for innovative social and cultural activities.
Bel Art Gallery
Bel Art Gallery is engaged in presenting artists, exhibitions, symposia, workshops, and art book publishing. It is oriented towards artists, art professionals, young and general audience. The gallery exhibits the most important modern and contemporary artists together with emerging young ones. In 2013 the gallery launched an international contemporary art festival Danube Dialogues. The vision of the gallery is to be regionally relevant contemporary art gallery focused on presenting selected artists on the international art scene and encouraging international cooperation and artists mobility.
Drž’ ne daj
The Drž’ ne daj troupe was established in 2011 by three young actors and one director. The name of the troupe was taken from the theatre play under the same name, which was created by these young artists. The play reached unexpected success and the audience requested that the young creatives continue to create. These four creatives begun creating their own work and they were later joined by five more enthusiast.
Šok zadruga (Shock Cooperative)
The Shock Cooperative is a main project of the most prominent art activist phenomena that marked Serbian art practice during ex-Yugoslavia war and post war time – Led Art (1993 – 2001). Multimedia Centre Led Art (MMC LED ART) is contextually renaming Art Clinic (2002-2012) into The Shock Cooperative. The Shock cooperative is redrawing the assigned institutional and disciplinary frames, formulating new, "wild”, unconventional models of cooperation, replacing the periphery with center, basement with public space. One of the most important activities of The Shock Cooperative is the activation and involvement of young creators, with special emphasis on active work with the community in which it lives and works.
Westwerk – Orsolya Baki and Eszter Söptei
Westwerk acts as a creative art workshop, that has the task of preserving and creating values. The association promotes and ensures the joint work of artists in different areas of art, mutual professional orientation and the mutual influence and merging of individual art disciplines in the joint work.
Finearthotel – Norbert Toth
Finearthotel is an artist platform and hub that makes art visible from the Zalaegerszeg region and bundles the activities of the younger generation of contemporary artists. It is supported by the Zazee Cultural Association; an independent, low budget NGO.
Favela - Ante Solomun
The artistic organization Favela is a young independent collective mainly active in theatre, music and performing arts. Its aim is to develop the art scene for young people in cooperation with young artists and organizations from Croatia and abroad.
Varaždin Tourist Board, "Špancirfest” – Dorotea Solomun
The Varaždin Tourist Board creates and develops tourist facilities and plans cultural and entertainment events in the town. Some of the successful events are Varaždin Courtyards festival, Advent in Varaždin, Varaždin Baroque evenings and the most famous, the Street Festival "Špancirfest”, that in 2017 won the award best event of Croatia.
MIKK MURSKA SOBOTA - Renata Števanec and Mario Horvat
MIKK Murska Sobota is a youth cultural center. it lays the basis for the development of youth work, youth culture, information and informal education, arts and multimedia, social inclusion, international work and entertainment.
The MIKK is the only public youth and cultural facility in the region where daily program activities take place. MIKK is a kind of intergenerational place that invites young people between 15 and 30 years, it offers workshops for children between 7 and 14 years but also activities, especially round tables, lectures, seminars and cultural events for elder people.