Land Art - Temporary landscape art with Angelika Thon

Fr., 25.07.2025 bis So., 27.07.2025
3 Days
9 bis 17 Uhr; inkl. 2 hours break
Naturepark Pöllauer Tal
Meeting point 9:00 Uhr in front of Tourist Information Pöllau
Beginners, advanced, young people aged 13 and over

Workshop description:
We roam through nature until the place that has been waiting for us for a long time finds us (loosely based on the artist's words). From materials that we find in nature, possibly even on the ground, we create objects and sculptures that remain in situ and are thus entrusted to the course of nature.
In Land Art, nature is both brush and canvas. Creating small works of art with what nature provides - that's what nature art is all about! Using materials from nature for your art: Stones, leaves, sand, grasses, woods, clay, water, pine cones, etc.
Finding yourself in a place, discovering special places, settling into nature, creating connections, reinforcing what you have found, rearranging by stacking, distributing, piling up and connecting, weaving in surprises - losing yourself and finding yourself again.

Please bring:
Cords (natural fiber), scissors, garden shears, cutter knife, camera, flashlightSun protection and appropriate clothing

€ 380,-
Young people up to the age of 18 receive a 20% discount on the course price

Workshop leader
Angelika Thon/an.thon lives and works in Austria, and on a project basis also in the EU and outside Europe. Awards: Coudenhove Prize for the diploma thesis/stage designSteiermärkischer Landesförderungspreis for photography with the group S.E.A. Förderpreis des Landes Steiermark für Zeitgenössische Bildende KunstKunstankäufe: Arthothek Wien, Land Steiermark, Stadt Graz Projects since 1997 with the art collective Rhizom Projects from 2010-2018 with ACRYL _ sociocultural network _Museum Frauen CircusGroup and solo exhibitions in Austria and abroad since