Art Machine - the smallest art space in Eastern Styria
on the main square in Pöllau near Hartberg
Art Machine Pöllau - art from the vending machine
In 2016, a restored vintage cigarette vending machine became the Art Machine - an art machine. It was designed by the artist collective "Das Voyeur”. Here it is possible to buy signed works of art around the clock in a small format the size of a cigarette packet.
What's inside the Art Machine?
Original works of art by recognized artists, for example
- Small paintings
- Ceramics
- Prints
- Photographs
- Jewelry objects
- Texts and even music
Each box contains a leaflet with information about the work and artist.
How it works:
Simply insert 2 x 2 euro coins and draw a unique work of art - the selection remains a surprise!
Every year there are new art editions, which are presented at a vernissage with the artists.
Location: Pöllauer Hauptplatz, Styria
Let yourself be surprised & collect original art in miniature format!
Art for rural areas: The Art Machine in Eastern Styria
There is often little access to contemporary art in rural regions. This is precisely where the Art Machine by Styrian Summer Art comes in: an art machine in Pöllau makes high-quality miniature works of art accessible around the clock. The idea originated in Germany and was brought to Austria in 2015 by art and organic farmer Carmen Dreier-Zwetti from Pöllau.
The vending machine offers regional and national artists a platform to present their works to a wide audience - including many vacation guests. For just four euros, art lovers receive a small original. Some of the small works of art have led to visits to the artists' studios.
Despite the low level of compensation, artists participate with often elaborate and extremely original art miniatures and show impressive solutions for the small format of 80 x 50 x 18 mm. The challenge is to create a coherent work for the limited space. The miniature works of art stand up to other works and never cease to amaze us.
The Art Machine creates art enjoyment in the countryside and brings art directly to the people - simple, innovative and inspiring.
Who can take part?
Artists who have completed their art training can take part. Artists from Eastern Styria are particularly welcome. Miniature works from all areas of art are welcome - i.e. whatever is inspired by the special format.
The selection criteria include:
- the regional, national or international significance of the artist (exhibitions, publications, ...)
- artistic training
- the examination of contemporary, current themes and their artistic realization
A balance of artistic disciplines in each editionPrevious contributions to Art Machine have come from (in alphabetical order):
Miniature art: history, meaning and well-known examples
The term miniature originally comes from medieval book illumination. It refers to works of art in a small format. On the one hand, painting on book pages, on the other hand, art on small objects such as medallions, pillboxes or caskets.
An outstanding example is the Tansey miniature collection in the Bomann Museum in Celle, one of the most important collections of European miniature painting with works from the late 16th to the early 20th century.
In sculpture, there is a related form, the small sculpture, which is not directly considered a miniature. A well-known event in this area is the Triennale Kleinplastik Fellbach in Germany.
The term miniature is particularly common in arts and crafts and decorative accessories. Typical examples are elaborately designed doll's houses, detailed models of vehicles and ships, as well as artistic relic paintings and monastic works from religious contexts.
Miniature art fascinates with its attention to detail and variety.
Bericht Wiener Zeitung (März 2022)
Bericht Standard (Oktober 2021)
Bericht Kleine Zeitung Hartberg (November 2021)
Bericht Radio Steiermark
Bericht Kleine Zeitung Hartberg (Juni 2016)
Bericht Kleine Zeitung Steiermark (Juni 2016)
Bericht Die Woche Hartberg (Juni 2016)
Quotes from buyers and artists
Ruth Nezmahen (in "Glücksorte in der Steiermark” Droste Verlag): "In any case, it can happen very easily here in the area that you become an art collector, and you don't have to spend a lot of money to do so.”
Artist Helga Chibidziura: "Creating a work for artmachine is always an exciting challenge. For me, it's a good opportunity to work on topics that are burning under my fingernails in mini format.”
daskartenmädchen writes: "Today I was at the Art Machine in Pöllau and treated myself to a packet of art. I like little surprises and received art from @chri.strassegger! I am very happy! Thank you.”
Artist Nadine Nebel from Düsseldorf (about her work "calming box” for the ART MACHINE): "This enables us to create an imaginary space beyond the dimensions of this small box, which we are able to form ourselves by turning the crank.”
Artist Eva Ursprung: "It's a confrontation with contemporary art on a low-threshold level.”
Artist Andrea Felber: "I normally produce large-format photographs. That's why it's also very funny to work in a small format for once. I really see it as a collector's card that you can stick in an album somewhere. I will certainly continue to work with this small format.”
Buyer E.Z.: "I picked out a few works of art at the Art Machine in Pöllau today and one of them was by Nadine Nebel. I was as happy as a snow king, had to show it to everyone straight away, feel like a little kid at Christmas (I'm 62!), in short: I'm thrilled!”
The new, tenth series of miniatures is in preparation.this time the works come from Daniela Brasil, Anatol Gietler, Veronica Pollauf, Margo Sarkisova, Catrin Manoli and Dunja Krcek. We present artists and works on Saturday, May 24, 2025, at 11:00 a.m. on the main square in Pöllau.
opening hours of the Art Machine: Mon - Sun 00:00 - 24:00
If you have any problems, please call 0676 36 00 571 or send us an email.
What art can I find in the Art Machine?
Painting Graphic art ● Photography/media art ● Literature/writing ● Mixed media/conceptual art ● Ceramics/sculpture

Some art miniatures from the Art Machine:
Previous editions and participating artists:

Edition 10: Spring 2025
Presentation on May 24 on the main square in Pöllau with a performance by Polish vocal and sound artist Anna Jurkiewiecz.

Edition 7: Summer 2022
Presentation on 2 September at the main square.
Musical miniatures performed by the Ensemble Tuklar.

Edition 8: Autumn 2023
Presentation on 12 November at the main square in Pöllau.
Theatre performance by the KRA Collective.
Edition 9: Spring 2024
Presentation on 21 April at the main square in Pöllau.
Miniature opera "The Mountain Spirit of Schöckl" performed by Opernpucherl.

Edition 4: Spring 2019
Opening and new installation in March 2019
Soirée at the main square in Pöllau

Edition 5: Frühjahr 2020
Vernissage wurde pandemiebedingt verschoben auf 16. Juli 2021
Mit Konzert am Hauptplatz von Misty Moon.

Edition 6: Herbst 2021
Künstler:innenfrühstück am 30. Oktober in Kooperation mit dem 12er Haus.
Leseperformance von Ronald Kodritsch & Roland Reiter

Edition 1: Frühjahr 2016
Feierliche Eröffnung des Kunstraums ART MACHINE am 3. Juni. Eröffnungs-Statement von Eva Ursprung, Musikvideos von David Schweighofer

Edition 2: Sommer 2016
Zweite Befüllung und Come Together
am 9. Juli

Edition 3: Frühjahr 2017
Vernissage am Hauptplatz am 30. Juni
Improvisationskonzert von DÜROLOGEN (Keyvan Paydar, drums & Riccardo Schöfberger, e-guitar)