Poetry and colour - colour harmony, structures & abstraction in acrylic with Eftichia Schlamadinger

Fr., 11.07.2025 bis Mo., 14.07.2025
4 Days
9:30 bis 17 Uhr, Mo 9:30 bis 15 Uhr; inkl. ca. 1,5 Std. lunch break
Nature park Pöllauer Tal
Meeting point 9:30 Uhr in front of the tourist office Pöllau
Beginners, advanced, adults, teenagers from 13 years

Workshop description:
Immerse yourself in the magic of colour, let your imagination run wild and give yourself over to chance: Together we will work on creating large areas of colour using impasto painting techniques and layering using acrylic glazes of various consistencies. Creating expressive (warm) areas of colour: colour-intensive, spontaneous, abstract - and combining them with balanced cool tones.
This workshop is aimed at anyone who enjoys working with intense colours and experimental techniques, but who also wants to break new ground in abstract painting.
Exciting combinations with coloured and/or watercolour pencils, pastel crayons, shellac (if you like!), putty, various types of paper for collage work and stencils serve as additional design features.
For extravagant picture design, stretcher frames covered with raw linen (i.e. not primed white as usual) or painting surfaces already primed black can also be used.

Please bring along:
Acrylic paints of your choice (colour selection = recommendation/no obligation!):
Akademie Acryl: ivory, Primacryl (Fa.Schmincke): madder, vandyke brown, Amsterdam: yellow-green, green-yellow; System 3/Daeler&Rowney: real yellow, titanium white, cad.red light, cad.red dark, cad.yellow light, cad. yellow dark, naples yellow, burnt umber, black, ultramarine, ciline blue, indigo, wedgewood (blue), turquoise, light ochre, Lascaux: cobalt green light
Brushes or painting utensils:at least 4 wide flat bristle brushes, from size 40 upwards at least 4 glazing brushes for acrylic painting, e.g. Fit for School, size 40 or larger water-soluble pastel crayons (pastel crayons - JAXELL) for sketching and reworkingblack coloured pencil, watercolour pencils (colours as desired)water spray bottle (e.g. Water spray bottle (e.g. plant spray bottle, empty cleaning agent spray bottle)Gesso white spatula (painting knife, spatula set, etc.)Fixative (spray fixative, e.g. universal fixative from Schmincke)Mixing palette (preferably old plastic plates, polystyrene vegetable trays ...)
possibly work gloves (thin), kitchen rollev. Hairdryer (to dry the layers of paint)at least 4 (cheap) containers for keeping paint/glazes fresh or cups
if "desired project"→ bring motif templates!Stencils, if available: Motif stencils (floral designs, lettering stencils, etc., e.g. can be ordered via Amazon!) The course instructor will also provide sufficient stencils for general use.
Shellac: If you would like to make your own shellac, please bring the following materials: shellac platelets colourless or lemon, min. 100 g; 1 litre methylated spirits, 1 sealable screw-top jar (min. 250 ml).
Collage technique: bring various types of paper (e.g. book pages, corrugated cardboard, foreign-language newspapers, old maps, solid wrapping paper printed with city or floral motifs, ...)
All materials are available here (also online):
Fa. Kaspar Harnisch www.kasparharnisch.at
ONLINE Kunstbedarf www.gerstaecker.at
Fa. Boesner www.boesner.at
Material costs
The course instructor will be happy to provide interested parties with specially prepared shellac solutions (creamy consistency) for a contribution towards expenses of € 5.00 (250ml).

€ 465,-

Workshop leader
Eftichia Schlamadinger was born on 15 October 1968 in Graz. She studied at the University of Tennessee/USA & KnoxCounty Community College/Tennessee, USA as well as in studio classes with renowned international artists.
Eftichia has been working full-time since 2003 as a freelance artist, certified cultural manager and lecturer for painting & graphic arts at international art academies and art institutions. Director of the mobile art school ArtCourses (www.artcourses.com), co-founder of the summer art festival "Styrian Summer Art" and the Aflenzer Kunstwochen. Since 1994 exhibition activities and participation in international artist competitions at home and abroad (including New York, Montreal, Dubai, Luxembourg, Art-Week Berlin, Florence and in the organisation and concept development of regional and international cultural/art projects.
Youtube: Eftichia Schlamadinger
Here are some impressions of the Atelierklasse 2024.