Practical seminars on cultural management for artists and cultural professionals
As part of the two LEADER projects Kunstzone Joglland/Wechselland and Styrian Summer Art I Regional and KiG - Kultur in Graz, a programme for core topics in the cultural sector is starting again at various locations in Eastern Styria. Acquire basic and in-depth expert knowledge and gain confidence in the planning and realisation of your plans, art and cultural projects.we have designed 3 networking meetings. The first, the Kick-Off-Meeting, took place in Ljubljana in March, the second in Graz in May and the third will be in July in Szombathely
Fee: € 25,- per seminar
If you attend at least five of the six seminars on offer, you will receive a certificate as well as confirmation of participation. The seminars can also be attended individually
Please note that the number of participants is limited.
Registration can be made by email or by telephone at least one week before the respective seminar day, Styrian Summer Art, Schloss 1, 8225 Pöllau,, Tel: 0664 – 540 42 89 (Michaela Zingerle) or
Kunstzone Joglland/Wechselland, Hauptplatz 11, 8190 Birkfeld,, Tel: 0676 – 430 80 70 (Elisabeth Hutter)
Seminar 4:
When: FR, 08 February 2013 from 14:00 - 19:00Where: Galerie Schlagers, Hauptplatz 9, 8190 Birkfeld
Seminar content:
Many artists and cultural professionals are primarily concerned with their work, but neglect media work. But it could be so easy if you have background information and know and follow a few simple rules.
The workshop will cover the following points:
Speaker: Ulla Patz (editor at the Kleine Zeitung for 18 years. Before that she worked in public relations at a public relations agency. She also gives presentations, workshops and seminars on media relations for companies, institutions and organisations)
Seminar 5:
When: FR, 01 March 2013 from 15:00 - 19:00Where: Galerie Schlagers, Hauptplatz 9, 8190 Birkfeld
Seminar content:
The media world is big and wide and, above all, fast. How do I make sure that my press release doesn't get lost in the daily flood of emails from editors, but instead draws attention to my cultural project like a lighthouse? Whilst the advertising text can fib and exaggerate a little, the press text cannot. It is also written in a completely different language: the press release is linguistically factual and yet arouses curiosity about what it describes. Its structure is also clear and follows a pyramid of priorities.
The press release via e-mail, on the other hand, is very similar to the advertising text: it says everything about the project in just a few words. How exactly this works is the subject of the text workshop ‘Writing for cultural people’. It is dedicated to text types for press work and also briefly touches on advertising and PR language.
Workshop topics:Press release: structure and organisation
Project language: linguistic climate and style
Do's and don'ts when writing
Speaker:Dr Doris Lind is a literary manager, PR consultant and writing trainer.
Seminar 6:
When: FR, 19 April 2013 from 3:00 - 7:00 pmWhere: EU LEADER-Region OSTSTEIRISCHES KERNLAND, Hartl 300 (at the roundabout), 8224 Kaindorf
Seminar content:Project accounts are due and bookkeeping requires attention, our expert Mrs Jauk will help with tips and tricks to provide an overview and clarity when dealing with figures, cost types and balance sheets. With regard to tax issues, we will learn what must be, what may be and what we may have missed so far. There will be time to clarify our own questions and concerns as well as templates and scripts.
Value added tax, UID number and practical help with ‘Finanz Online’
Speaker:Christa Jauk (self-employed accountant, qualified tax consultant)