Black ´n´ White Stories - Comic workshop with Anja Korherr

Fr., 26.09.2025 bis So., 28.09.2025

3 Days

9 bis 17 Uhr; inkl. lunch break

Nature park Pöllauer Tal
Meetingpoint 9:00 Uhr in front of the tourist office Pöllau

Beginners, advanced, adults, teenagers from 13 years

Workshop description:

Drawing comics in a creative group allows you to try out many variations and possibilities of this graphic narrative form. After an introduction, we will start by developing individual characters. In the course of the workshop, stories are drawn in turn and the characters are integrated into a larger story. In "frame drawing in turn”, each person creates a frame that is continued by the next person, creating a collaborative narrative. The outcome remains open, which gives the participants great creative freedom.

The workshop offers the opportunity to explore and apply various comic stylistic devices. These include the targeted use of contrasts, symbolism and different narrative techniques. Participants can contribute their own ideas while at the same time absorbing and developing the work of others. The workshop offers space for innovative ideas and enables a lively and dynamic exploration of the comic medium.

This workshop takes place in collaboration with the
SAMA-Kollektiv  curated by Susanna Katter

Please bring along:

Fineliners, pencils, fountain pens, any medium with black ink that the participant feels comfortable with.

Material contribution: 

Paper will be provided; 
Staedler fineliners in various sizes can be purchased from the course leader if required. Contribution approx. € 5,-


€ 380,-

Workshop leader

Anja Korherr: A graduate of the Ortweinschule in sculpture and painting, then studied experimental art at the Kunstuni Linz (graduation expected WS 2025/26).numerous exhibitions in Austria, Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, China with painting, comic and conceptual art. Member of "Schaumbad- freies Atlierhaus Graz”, member of "Tonto Comics”

Instagram @anjakorherr

Fotos (c): Anja Korherr, Peter Hutter

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