From found structures to narrative images - experimental illustration with Christiane Franke

Mi., 09.07.2025 bis Fr., 11.07.2025
3 Days
9 bis 17 Uhr; inkl. lunch break
Nature park Pöllauer Tal
Meeting point 9:00 Uhr in front of the tourist office Pöllau
Beginners and advanced; young people aged 13 and over; suitable for people with limited mobility

Workshop description:
In this 3-day workshop, we will experiment with different techniques (monotype, collage, frottage, mixed media). We will dare to try something new, away from "I've always done it this way" to "what other possibilities are there...".
We will start by discussing some of the basics of illustration (such as character design, storyboard...), as well as different approaches depending on the medium we want to illustrate. We will then work on our own illustration project. We will be inspired by the unexpected and the joy of experimentation. Together we will look for answers to the questions of which technique suits me and my topic, and what I want to convey to myself and others with my illustration.
Wir bedanken uns bei der Ölmühle Fandler für die Gastfreund-schaft und den schönen Raum, der uns als Atelier für diesen Workshop zur Verfügung gestellt wird.

Please bring along:
Pencils, coloured pencils, eraser, sharpener, small scissors, cutter, ruler, brushes, watercolour paint, coloured pencils, water cup, paper, firm cardboard as a cutting base, collage material such as magazines.
Printing inks, gouache colours, paper are provided and charged on site, depending on requirements 5 - 10 €.

€ 380,-

Workshop leader
Christiane Ruth Franke Studied art education at the University of Leipzig. Course "Aesthetic Search for Traces" at the KPH Graz. Course "Art of Illustration: Children's Literature" with Renate Habinger (Das Kinderbuch-Haus). Papermaking workshop with Beatrix Mapalagama/PapierWespe, Vienna Papermaking workshop with Renate Habinger. Freelance illustrator for publishers and institutions since 2005 (e.g. Servus-Buch, Volkskultur Steiermark, Leipziger Literaturverlag, Mildenberger Verlag, UKBB ...)
Since 2018 focus on free, experimental illustration. Since 2019 teaching art at the Waldorf School Karl Schubert in Graz. Solo and group exhibitions in Austria and abroad. Member of Illu-Kollektiv Graz, pinu Illustration Collective, Design Austria.