Connected:23 - creative programming workshop for young people

a digital youth art project by Styria Summer Art and the artist Cym from 17 - 19 July 2023 in Murska Sobota & from 24 - 26 July 2023 in Gleisdorf

Programming a common future in Europe

A group of young people between the ages of 10 and 15 in Murska Sobota, Slovenia and a group in Gleisdorf each had three days to familiarise themselves with the programming tool Scratch under the guidance of the Dutch art lecturer and programming artist Cym and use it to implement their own game ideas on the computer. The focus was on having fun with the game. However, the programme also focused on ideas for living together in Europe. Self-taken photos from the surrounding area were integrated into the programme, as were mini-robots that followed drawn routes and virtual landscapes that could be experienced using an adapter on a mobile phone. Unsurprisingly, the results in both groups showed similar ideas and approaches to the topic. The young people have the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with each other via a web platform. The results can be viewed there. 
The workshops will also be presented at EU code week in October.

Cym - Simone van Groenestijn

The artist Simone van Groenestijn aka Cym, born 1973 in the Netherlands; education: Interaction Design & Unstable Media at the Art Academy in Amsterdam, trained as an art lecturer for primary and secondary education. Cym has been teaching computer science/programming for children for many years and has already run several creative programming courses for children and young people in Styria. In 2006 she won the Women's Net Art Prize of the City of Linz. She lives and works in Austria and the Netherlands.    &

A cooperation project by Styrian Summer Art

The project, which has already been carried out twice in a similar way, took place in cooperation with the city of Gleisdorf, the Auszeit youth centre and the Slovenian cultural association MIKK in Murska Sobota. Funded by Department 9, Europe and External Relations Division of the Province of Styria.

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