The colours.forms.festival in summer 2024

A summary

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A colourful start to the summer ...

In a nutshell: 5 weeks in June and July, 21 workshops at 12 course locations, 23 artistic instructors, around 175 participants from Styria (25 of them from the region), Vienna, Burgenland, Carinthia, Salzburg, Upper Austria and Switzerland. The workshops from many areas of art - painting, graphics, printing, sculpture, ceramics, jewellery design, applied arts, theatre and music - produced numerous impressive works in the stimulating surroundings of the Pöllau Valley, which were presented to interested parties in final exhibitions and demonstrations. For example, the troupe of internationally acclaimed street artist Adrian Schvarzstein, who wandered through the village, making contact with passers-by in many places, waving and singing in a friendly manner, left a lasting impression. Or the filming by Rainer Hackstock's film group at various locations in the municipality, also with the participation of locals. The mural by Susanna Katter's graffiti group on a garage building near the cemetery is also a lasting memory. The involvement of local artists (Sieglinde Hofbauer, Johannes Schweighofer), businesses and associations (Dreier apple forge, Fandler oil mill, Design ab Hof, farm shop, fire brigade, nature park association) shows the connection with the community and region, and many participants brought the courses to the Pöllau Valley for the first time, but not for the last time, as they emphasise.

... and a strong finale in October: the workshop series continues in the first two weeks of October.

Fotos: Veronika Tanton, Sabrina Petz, Styrian Summer Art