The city walk ‘GRABE, WO DU STEHST! - Towards an archaeology of the world of work’ brought together international and local developments, the connection between which is astonishing at first glance: Susanne Lamm, Head of Urban Archaeology at the Graz Museum, reported on archaeological excavations in the Lend/Graz district with vivid practical examples. Edith Zitz introduced labour market developments, including controversial professional recognition issues. Appreciation of ALL forms of work (including voluntary work and care work) and reference to the importance of ‘cultural work’, for example by MUSIS, rounded off the harmonious picture. With Hilde Unterberger (active in the Liezen district), Michaela Zingerle (Womens Action Forum and StyrianSummerArt), Andreja Hribernik (KunsthausGraz), Johanna Weihrich (Gesellschaft für Kulturpolitik), Margit Horvath-Suntinger and colleagues (MUSIS) and many more!
This city walk took place on Unemployment Day (30 April) and Labour Day (1 May) as part of the ‘Recognised!’ project.
This archaeological-feminist walk led to prominent places where people were and are professionally active.
Who remembers ‘BiBuLa’ (cheap bookshop) in today's Kunsthaus?
What do the skeletons in the cemetery in Orpheumgasse tell us about gender-specific violence?
The walk linked the district's history with findings from excavations carried out in recent decades. At the same time, the walk honoured the courage of activists and institutions that campaign for fair working conditions, such as the unemployment initiative AMSEL. Current labour market developments in a diverse society were not neglected either, such as the much-discussed topic of professional recognition. The EU is currently finally discussing the easier recognition of qualifications of third-country nationals.
Veranstalterinnen: MUSIS – Der steirische Museumsverband, Women*s Action Forum, Steirische Gesellschaft für Kulturpolitik & inspire – Anerkannt!24-25