We've all been there: it's difficult to separate little computer freaks from their screens. But how does a young games consumer become a creative nerd? ‘Cym’, as Dutch art lecturer and programming artist Simone von Goenestijn is known to her game-loving fans, has the answer. Cym shows the children how to develop their own computer games using ‘Scratch’, a programming environment specially developed for children. While parents, grandparents and other adults are still marvelling in awe, the young talents have long been combining building blocks and code and experimenting with robots called B-Bot, Ozobot, mBot, Micro:bit and MakeyMakey.
Even if artificial intelligence and digital self-understanding are part of their future understanding of the world, the most important skills of the 21st century are absolutely paramount for the kids: collaboration, networking with each other, teamwork and a global sense of responsibility are positive side effects of this time. Buzzwords such as ‘compuational thinking’ and ‘problem solving’ are becoming playful skills - children's creativity and love of experimentation are breaking new ground.
If you think a lot, you have to let off steam a lot. Exercise, nature and lots of laughter are just as much a part of everyday life at Cym as focussed immersion in digital worlds. The surroundings of the Jufa - Landhotel-Bioerlebnis in Pöllau offer everything a child's heart desires: a gentle stream babbles in front of the door and provides young and old with wonderful cooling on hot days, friendly goats are always up for some fun (and a bit of food), the adventure playground is calling and fluffy alpacas watch everything from the background, smacking their lips contentedly.
What the creative minds bring to life during these exciting days should definitely be seen! Curious minds are therefore cordially invited to view the works live - directly at the place where they were created, at Jufa Pöllau.
All the projects, stories and games created in this workshop are of course also available to marvel at online: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/StyrianSummerArt/projects/